Safeguarding & support for learners

Your safety and wellbeing are important to us.

If you're suffering bullying, violence, or abuse of any kind, don't keep quiet.  We can help.  Talk to your tutor, Learner support officer (LSO), keyworker, support or EHCP tutor, or the centre manager.  Each centre has at least one safeguarding officer.  It is normally the centre manager, but you can speak to any adult you feel comfortable talking to.

Useful numbers

The Samaritans (24/7)   08457909090

Mind   0300 1233393   Text 86463

ChildLine   0800111 (free and confidential advice for aged up to 19)

Lesbian and Gay Foundation   03453303030

Forced Marriage Helpline   0207 008 151

National debt line  0808 808 4000  (do you have money worries)

Cruse bereavement care  0808 808 1677

Gingerbread   0808 802 0925  (supporting lone-parent families)

National Domestic Violence helpline (24/7)   0808 2000 0247

Karma Nirvana (Honour based violence support)   0800 5999 247

National Self Harm Network

Barnados   0808 800 5000